nó brasileiro do GBIF SiBBr

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16 results for SPECIES: Kannabateomys amblyonyx OR SPECIES: Sylvilagus brasiliensis OR SPECIES: Kogia sima OR SPECIES: Gracilinanus microtarsus OR SPECIES: Delphinus delphis OR SPECIES: Pecari tajacu OR SPECIES: Noctilio leporinus OR SPECIES: Delomys sublineatus OR SPECIES: Cynomops abrasus OR SPECIES: Delomys dorsalis OR SPECIES: Mimon bennettii OR SPECIES: Histiotus velatus OR SPECIES: Juliomys pictipes OR SPECIES: Gracilinanus agilis OR SPECIES: Trachops cirrhosus OR SPECIES: Promops nasutus OR SPECIES: Leopardus wiedii OR SPECIES: Mazama gouazoubira OR SPECIES: Cerdocyon thous OR SPECIES: Myocastor coypus OR SPECIES: Monodelphis scalops OR SPECIES: Myotis levis OR SPECIES: Tayassu pecari OR SPECIES: Brucepattersonius iheringi OR SPECIES: Oligoryzomys nigripes OR SPECIES: Mazama americana OR SPECIES: Panthera onca OR SPECIES: Euphractus sexcinctus OR SPECIES: Leopardus pardalis OR SPECIES: Eumops auripendulus OR SPECIES: Macrophyllum macrophyllum OR SPECIES: Nyctinomops macrotis OR SPECIES: Cabassous tatouay OR SPECIES: Cynomops planirostris OR SPECIES: Myotis albescens OR SPECIES: Pygoderma bilabiatum OR SPECIES: Eira barbara OR SPECIES: Marmosops incanus OR SPECIES: Sooretamys angouya OR SPECIES: Anoura caudifer OR SPECIES: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris OR SPECIES: Euryzygomatomys spinosus OR SPECIES: Leopardus geoffroyi OR SPECIES: Pteronura brasiliensis OR SPECIES: Caluromys philander OR SPECIES: Lasiurus (Lasiurus) cinereus OR SPECIES: Artibeus (Artibeus) lituratus OR SPECIES: Vampyressa pusilla OR SPECIES: Puma yagouaroundi OR SPECIES: Chrotopterus auritus OR SPECIES: Tapirus terrestris OR SPECIES: Balaenoptera acutorostrata OR SPECIES: Euryoryzomys russatus OR SPECIES: Galictis cuja OR SPECIES: Micronycteris megalotis OR SPECIES: Diaemus youngii OR SPECIES: Brachyteles arachnoides OR SPECIES: Physeter macrocephalus OR SPECIES: Nectomys squamipes OR SPECIES: Tonatia bidens OR SPECIES: Peropteryx macrotis OR SPECIES: Thaptomys nigrita OR SPECIES: Oligoryzomys flavescens OR SPECIES: Steno bredanensis OR SPECIES: Lutreolina crassicaudata OR SPECIES: Philander frenatus OR SPECIES: Eumops perotis OR SPECIES: Speothos venaticus OR SPECIES: Lasiurus (Lasiurus) blossevilli OR SPECIES: Lycalopex gymnocercus OR SPECIES: Stenella frontalis OR SPECIES: Carollia perspicillata OR SPECIES: Chrysocyon brachyurus OR SPECIES: Chironectes minimus OR SPECIES: Eumops glaucinus OR SPECIES: Lobodon carcinophaga OR SPECIES: Balaenoptera edeni OR SPECIES: Molossus molossus OR SPECIES: Cuniculus paca OR SPECIES: Monodelphis iheringi OR SPECIES: Hydrurga leptonyx OR SPECIES: Caluromys lanatus OR SPECIES: Calomys tener OR SPECIES: Procyon cancrivorus OR SPECIES: Eumops bonariensis OR SPECIES: Phyllostomus hastatus OR SPECIES: Glossophaga soricina OR SPECIES: Molossops temminckii OR SPECIES: Nyctinomops laticaudatus OR SPECIES: Platyrrhinus lineatus OR SPECIES: Sturnira (Sturnira) lilium OR SPECIES: Mirounga leonina OR SPECIES: Dasypus hybridus OR SPECIES: Arctocephalus tropicalis OR SPECIES: Artibeus (Artibeus) planirostris OR SPECIES: Necromys lasiurus OR SPECIES: Leopardus tigrinus OR SPECIES: Hylaeamys megacephalus OR SPECIES: Histiotus montanus OR SPECIES: Alouatta caraya OR SPECIES: Oxymycterus nasutus OR SPECIES: Marmosops paulensis OR SPECIES: Puma concolor OR SPECIES: Mazama nana OR SPECIES: Metachirus nudicaudatus OR SPECIES: Monodelphis americana OR SPECIES: Myotis nigricans OR SPECIES: Orcinus orca OR SPECIES: Conepatus chinga OR SPECIES: Eubalaena australis OR SPECIES: Lontra longicaudis OR SPECIES: Platyrrhinus recifinus OR SPECIES: Artibeus (Dermanura) cinereus OR SPECIES: Eptesicus furinalis OR SPECIES: Desmodus rotundus OR SPECIES: Myotis ruber OR SPECIES: Akodon cursor OR SPECIES: Arctocephalus australis OR SPECIES: Lycalopex vetulus OR SPECIES: Ozotoceros bezoarticus OR SPECIES: Didelphis aurita OR SPECIES: Monodelphis sorex OR SPECIES: Nasua nasua OR SPECIES: Holochilus brasiliensis OR SPECIES: Wilfredomys oenax OR SPECIES: Blastocerus dichotomus OR SPECIES: Trinomys iheringi OR SPECIES: Eptesicus brasiliensis OR SPECIES: Tamandua tetradactyla OR SPECIES: Otaria flavescens OR SPECIES: Tadarida brasiliensis OR SPECIES: Tursiops truncatus OR SPECIES: Sotalia guianensis OR SPECIES: Lasiurus (Dasypterus) ega OR SPECIES: Stenella longirostris OR SPECIES: Dyckia hatschbachii OR SPECIES: Casearia paranaensis OR SPECIES: Vriesea muelleri OR SPECIES: Dyckia distachya OR SPECIES: Myrcia tenuivenosa OR SPECIES: Ocotea porosa OR SPECIES: Vriesea pinottii OR SPECIES: Dorstenia tenuis OR SPECIES: Araucaria angustifolia OR SPECIES: Balfourodendron riedelianum OR SPECIES: Euxylophora paraensis OR SPECIES: Ocotea catharinensis OR SPECIES: Dicksonia sellowiana OR SPECIES: Aspidosperma polyneuron OR SPECIES: Vriesea brusquensis OR SPECIES: Machaerium paraguariense OR SPECIES: Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon OR SPECIES: Ocotea odorifera OR SPECIES: Myrocarpus frondosus OR SPECIES: Aspidosperma ramiflorum OR raw_name:"Oxymycterus quaestorThomas, 1903" OR raw_name:"Artibeus fimbriatusGray, 1838" OR raw_name:"Oecomys catherinaeThomas, 1909" OR raw_name:"Micoureus paraguayanus(Tate, 1931)" OR raw_name:"Akodon serrensisThomas, 1902" OR raw_name:"Phyllostomus discolorWagner, 1843" OR raw_name:"Dasypus septemcinctusLinnaeus, 1758" OR raw_name:"Phyiomys dasythrixHensel, 1872" OR raw_name:"Molossus rufusÉ. Geoffroy, 1805" OR raw_name:"Bradypus variegatusSchinz, 1825" OR raw_name:"Chiroderma doriaeThomas, 1891" OR raw_name:"Cavia apereaErxleben, 1777" OR raw_name:"Didelphis albiventrisLund, 1840" OR raw_name:"Molossops neglectusWillians & Genoways, 1980" OR raw_name:"Myrmecophaga tridactylaLinnaeus, 1758" OR raw_name:"Mazama bororoDuarte, 1996" OR raw_name:"Eumops hansaeSanborn, 1932" OR raw_name:"Noctilio albiventrisDesmarest, 1818" OR raw_name:"Guerlinguetus ingrami(Thomas, 1901)" OR raw_name:"Diphylla ecaudataSpix, 1823" OR raw_name:"Oxymycterus judexThomas, 1909" OR raw_name:"Dasypus novemcinctusLinnaeus, 1758" OR raw_name:"Eptesicus diminutusOsgood, 1915" OR raw_name:"Sphiggurus spinosus(F. Cuvier, 1823)" OR raw_name:"Cebus nigritus(Goldfuss, 1809)" OR raw_name:"Uroderma bilobatumPeters, 1866" OR raw_name:"Eptesicus taddeiiMiranda, Bernardi & Passos, 2006" OR raw_name:"Sphiggurus viiosus(F. Cuvier, 1823)" OR raw_name:"Ziphius cavirostrisCuvier, 1823" OR raw_name:"Akodon montensisThomas, 1913" OR raw_name:"Glyphonycteris sylvestrisThomas, 1896" OR raw_name:"Myotis ripariusHandley, 1960" OR raw_name:"Phyiomys nigrispinus(Wagner, 1842)" OR raw_name:"Alouatta clamitansCabrera, 1940" OR raw_name:"Akodon paranaensisChristoff, Fagundes, Sbalqueiro,Mattevi & Y.-Yassuda, 2000" OR raw_name:"Phyiomys medius(Thomas, 1909)" OR raw_name:"Chiroderma vilosumPeters, 1860" OR raw_name:"Dasyprocta azaraeLichtenstein, 1823" OR raw_name:"Megaptera novaengliae(Borowski, 1781)" OR raw_name:"Rogheessa hussoniiGenoways & Baker, 1996" OR raw_name:"Sturnira tildaeDe la Torre, 1959" OR raw_name:"Artibeus obscurusSchinz, 1821" OR raw_name:"Anoura geoffroyiGray, 1838" OR raw_name:"Pontoporia. blainvillei(Gervais & D’Orbigny, 1844)" OR raw_name:"Leontopithecus caissaraLorini & Persson, 1990" OR raw_name:"Thyroptera tricolorSpix, 1823" OR raw_name:"Oxymycterus delatorThomas, 1903" OR raw_name:"Aspidosperma australis"   
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SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227522 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227526 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227520 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227528 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227524 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227519 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227518 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB00581331 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB00044143 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB00535077 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227525 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227521 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227523 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227527 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB00044000 View record

SpeciesAspidosperma ramiflorum Country: Brasil

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Collection: Herbário RB Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: RB:RB01227529 View record

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